This is the BEST Advice I’ve Ever Received About Money

If you want to achieve true freedom, listen up!

Hey there, lovely! Grab a cup of your favorite coffee, and let’s dive into something that’s super close to my heart and crucial for anyone diving into the entrepreneurial pool—managing money in a way that supports your dreams without keeping you up at night!

When I first started my journey as an online entrepreneur, I got heaps of advice—some fantastic, some that I wish I could unhear. But one gem really stood out and has guided me ever since: “Your money mindset and management is as crucial as your business idea.”

So, let’s break this down into practical and mindset tips that I’ve personally used and seen transform not just businesses but lives!

Understand Your Money Story

First things first, understanding your relationship with money is key. We all have a ‘money story,’ which includes the beliefs and attitudes towards money that we’ve inherited or developed over the years. Do you view money as a tool for freedom, or does it trigger anxiety? Rewriting this story from a place of empowerment can radically change how you handle your finances.

Budget Like a Boss

Yes, the b-word! Budgeting might sound a bit dull, but think of it as creating a roadmap for your money. It doesn’t mean restricting yourself—it’s about making smart choices so that you can splurge where it matters without stress. Tools like YNAB (You Need A Budget) or Mint can make this super easy and even fun. Set goals, track your progress, and watch your financial confidence soar.

Save Before You Spend

One of the classic pieces of advice that has seriously been a game-changer for me is paying yourself first. This means setting aside a portion of any income you earn into savings before you start paying your bills or making purchases. It shifts your mindset from thinking of saving as what you do with leftover money (which, let’s be honest, is never there) to making it a priority.

Smart Spending

Being a savvy spender is not about pinching pennies; it’s about spending wisely. Always ask yourself if a purchase is going to add value to your life or your business. This doesn’t mean you can’t have fun—just make sure it’s intentional. For example, investing in a high-quality webinar software might seem pricey upfront, but if it enhances your ability to connect with your audience and deliver value, it’s a smart spend.

Invest in Learning

Never stop learning—especially about finances. Whether it’s a course, a book, or a podcast, staying informed is empowering. It’s like giving yourself a toolbox filled with shiny tools that you can use to build your empire.

Create Multiple Income Streams

Now, we get to one of my favorite topics—creating passive income streams! Imagine making money while you sleep or while you’re watching your kid’s soccer game. That’s the beauty of passive income. Here are a few fun ideas:

  • Digital Courses: Share your expertise by creating a course. Whether it’s cake decorating or social media marketing, courses can help you reach a wide audience and generate ongoing income.
  • Affiliate Marketing: This is all about promoting products you love and getting a commission every time someone buys through your link. It’s like telling your friend about your favorite skincare product and then getting a thank you check from the brand!
  • Membership Programs: If you love building community and delivering continuous value, a membership site might be your goldmine. Members pay a recurring fee, and you provide exclusive content or services.

Creating these income streams takes work upfront but can pay off massively in terms of flexibility and freedom—our favorite words over here, right?

Money Meetings

Make it a ritual. Once a week, sit down with a good coffee (or tea!), and review your finances. Keeping regular tabs on where you’re at can help you make adjustments quickly and keep you feeling in control.

Celebrate Wins

Last but not least, celebrate your financial wins, no matter how small. Did you stick to your budget this month? Yay! Did your digital course get its first sale? Do a happy dance! Celebrating keeps the journey joyful and motivating.


Alright, love, remember that mastering money is a journey. The best advice I ever got was to keep learning, stay proactive, and think of money as a tool to craft the life you dream of. Incorporate these tips, and not only will your business thrive, but you’ll also move through the world with more confidence and joy.

So, let’s raise our coffee mugs to making smart money moves and creating a life full of freedom, flexibility, and yes, plenty of fun! Cheers to thriving, in business and in life! 🥂💕

Like these tips? Then you’ll love my FREE Money Mindset Makeover guide! Snag your copy here or by clicking the image below.
