Stop Waiting For Permission To Go After Your Dreams


Okay. I want to talk about waiting for permission. This is the idea that you need some sign or some sort of permission from the universe or your family or your community or the right time or some kind of permission from somewhere outside of yourself that it’s OK to go after your dreams.

Stop waiting for a sign and go after your dreams.

You do not need permission from anyone or anything to go after your dreams. Permission comes from you. You give yourself permission to do the things to be the things to have the things that you want to have in your life. End of story.

If you wait for permission from anything outside of yourself, you will be waiting forever.

Say it with me: “I am worthy. My time is now. Today is my day.“ And then put your phone down, get off of social media, and do one thing that moves your goals forward just one thing. It can be little. It can be big. I don’t care. Just do one thing today right now that takes you one step closer in the direction of your dreams.

You Got This!
