
Dealing With Distractions (And De-motivation) as a Freelancer

Hey, girl! So, you decided to ditch the 9-to-5 and become your own boss? That’s what I’m talking about! 🎉 Freelancing can feel like that first gulp of iced coffee on a hot day—absolutely exhilarating. But let’s keep it real: it also comes with its own set of hair-pulling frustrations, like dealing with distractions and those days when motivation is as missing as that sock from the dryer.

source: knowyourmeme

It’s Distraction O’Clock

Okay, so you’re sitting at your home office (or, let’s be honest, the kitchen table because somehow it’s become your makeshift desk), and distractions are popping up like those annoying notifications on your phone. Yes, working from home means you can technically clean your entire house or watch just one more episode on Netflix, but suddenly it’s 3 PM and it’s time to go pick up the kids, and… oops, work? What’s that?

Here’s the deal: distractions are the sneaky enemies of a freelancer’s productivity. When it’s just you and your laptop, staying on track requires a master level of self-discipline. After many years as a freelancer, and being the master at self-distraction… here are my tried and true tips for dealing with distractions and de-motivation:

Put That Phone Down!

First things first, consider your phone. That little gadget can be a major productivity killer. Ever checked Instagram for a “second” and suddenly it’s an hour later? Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. Try flipping your phone to airplane mode during work hours, or use one of those apps that lock you out of social media during your most productive hours. I like to put my phone in Do Not Disturb and I have it set up so that only the kiddos and hubby can reach me when the phone is in DND. That way, I’m not stressing about missing an emergency call but I don’t get all the other notifications. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

Schedule Like a Boss

Sticking to a schedule isn’t just for those clocking in and out of an office. As a freelancer, your calendar is your new best friend. Try to start your day at the same time you would if you were going into an office. Set aside specific times for emails, calls, and, yes, even breaks. Remember, regular short breaks are not distractions—they’re necessities! They keep your brain fresh and your ideas flowing.

Breaks vs. Distractions: Know the Difference

Speaking of breaks, let’s clear something up: a break is a pause to recharge (like grabbing a coffee or doing a quick yoga stretch), not an opportunity to start a deep clean of your fridge. Breaks should leave you more energized, not lead you down a rabbit hole of procrastination.

Self-Accountability: Wear That Crown

No boss? No problem. But also, uh, no boss means no one is going to tap you on the shoulder when you’re off track. It’s all on you, honey. That’s both liberating and a little daunting. Self-accountability means being honest about what you’re actually spending your time on. Tools like time-tracking apps can be a lifesaver here. They show you in black and white (or rainbow colors if you prefer) how your day is spent.

The Motivation Station

Let’s talk motivation. Some days, it’s naturally overflowing. Other days, not so much. It’s like trying to squeeze the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube. On those low-energy days, remind yourself of your why. Why did you start freelancing? Was it for the freedom? The passion for your work? Reconnect with your goals and let them pull you forward.

Big Project Energy (or, BPE)

Working on a whopper of a project? That’s great! Just remember to pace yourself. Marathon, not sprint, remember? Incorporate little wins into your day to feel a sense of achievement. And yes, it’s totally okay to trick yourself with a reward system. Finished that draft? Time for a treat! (I won’t tell if you won’t.)

Stay Connected

And lastly, isolation can be a freelancer’s silent foe. Make sure you’re staying connected. Whether it’s virtual coworking sessions or just checking in with your freelancer friends online, a sense of community is key. It keeps you grounded and sometimes provides the best motivation boost.

What If You’re Just Plain Burnt Out?

Sometimes being constantly distracted is part of a bigger problem. Freelancing is a journey with incredible highs and, yes, some lows. With a bit of structure and a whole lot of self-care, you can keep those distractions in check and keep your motivation high. But… if you feel like freelancing isn’t all you imagined it to be, and you really can’t seem to motivate yourself to chase more clients or keep up with the constant pace of client projects, or you just feel like you’re burning the candle at both ends… maybe it’s time to hop off the freelance hamster wheel.

If “free” is not really what you thought freelancing was gonna be, I know how you feel. I was in your shoes once, and I was able to pivot and create a hands-off business that gives me true freedom and flexibility. Watch my 7-minute explainer video on the Self Made U program where I teach you how create Revenue on Repeat. After you finish the video, slide into my DMs on Instagram, and tell me you’re IN. I’ll send you a link to my calendar so we can chat about making your work life a breeze and get you into creating true freedom! 🎉
