How Writing a Book Can Totally Revamp Your Solopreneurial Game

Let’s get real: being a solopreneur can be overwhelming and exhausting. Building a business is one thing, but what if you could free up your time, make more impact, and even become a bit of a celebrity in your field (which means being able to command top prices for your time)? I’m talking about something that opens the door to charging premium prices, booking highly-paid speaking fees, flows readers into an online course that generates passive income for you, gets you booked on podcasts, TV and radio shows, and impacts 10s of thousands of lives around the world. 

That’s where writing a book comes into play. No, it’s not just for celebrities or people who wear tweed jackets and smoke pipes. Writing a book can be your secret weapon to skyrocketing your exposure, boosting your cred like crazy, and opening doors to opportunities that you didn’t even know existed. Plus, it’s a killer way to broadcast your unique brand (aka, you) to the world.

Why Should You Even Consider Writing a Book?

You might think that writing a book is for people with too much time on their hands or revolutionary ideas. But hey, in today’s ultra-competitive world, dropping a book can be a power move in your business toolkit. Here’s how:

1. Be the Boss of Credibility

Writing a book isn’t just about putting words on paper—it’s about showing the world you’ve got the chops. It’s like hanging a sign around your neck that says, “Expert coming through!” Suddenly, you’re not just another face in the crowd; you’re the face people look to when they need answers.

Take Grant Cardone, author of The 10X Rule, for example. He has built an empire of training programs, seminars, and consulting services stemming from the success of his books.

Grant Cardone often says, “My books have been the foundation of my brand and business. They’ve allowed me to reach a global audience and create multiple streams of income.” His books have not only driven direct sales but also significantly boosted his other business ventures.

2. Business Makeover, Anyone?

Think of your book as a business fairy godmother. It doesn’t just bump you up the usual rungs of the business ladder—it can catapult you into new realms. Whether it’s snagging a top speaking gig, diving into consulting, or switching industries, your book is your ticket to new adventures.

According to a survey by Grammar Factory of approximately 150 entrepreneurs who self-published books, 86% said that their overall earnings doubled since the publication of their book. Doubled!

Quick Tip: Find a niche in your field that’s just begging for someone to spice it up. Your book could be the secret sauce that not only fills that gap but also rockets you to expert status.

3. Network Like a Pro

A book is the networking gift that keeps on giving. It’s like throwing a business card into the hands of everyone who reads it, but better. It can also lead to cool collabs with other big brains, invitations to exclusive panels, or even a chance to shine on a podcast.

Get Moving: Post-book launch, hit up podcast hosts, get in touch with event organizers, and say yes to speaking gigs. Every appearance is a chance to spread your network even wider and tap into other people’s networks.

4. Branding with a Bang

Your book is a mighty slice of your personal brand. It shows off your smarts, your style, and your ability to tackle big ideas. It’s you, packaged in a few hundred pages, ready to show the world what you’re made of.

Case in Point: Mel Robbins, for example. Her book The 5 Second Rule (which was intitially self-published, btw) not only became a bestseller but also led to a surge in speaking opportunities, television appearances, and a significant increase in her coaching business. 

Mel Robbins once said, “Writing a book forces you to clarify your thoughts and communicate them clearly, which in turn helps you become a better speaker and coach.” This clarity and authority translated into more opportunities and higher fees for her services.

Kickstarting Your Author Journey

1. What’s the Big Idea?

What’s the heartbeat of your book? Nail down your core message that resonates with your experiences and what you know best. You might think you have nothing special to say or that no one will be interested. Don’t forget that there might be 1000 books on your topic, but no one can write the book that you can. No one has your experiences, stories, perspective or voice. Hate to break it to ya, Babe, but you are special.

2. Map It Out

Sketch out your book blueprint. Start with a big-picture outline and break it down into bite-sized chapters. Keep it logical, keep it interesting, and, above all, keep it real. Stumped on what the heck this even means? Sign up for a totally free 30 minute coaching call with me ($249 value), where I will show my blueprint formula that literally writes your book for you.

3. Write Like It’s Your Job

Because now, it kind of is. Set up a writing schedule that doesn’t play around. Whether it’s an early morning typing session or a late-night word spree, find your groove and stick to it. Hate writing or suck at it? Hire a ghostwriter! I have great resources for this! Just snag a spot on my calendar and I’ll share my Black Book list with you!

4. Call in the Cavalry

Don’t go it alone. Pull in pros for editing, design, and marketing. A slick cover and some sharp editing can make your book pop off the shelf (or screen). 

5. Shout It from the Rooftops

Got a book? Tell the world! Use every tool at your disposal—social media, blogs, newsletters. The more people see it, the more your network grows.

Writing a book might just be the best business move you ever make. It’s a gateway to new opportunities, a boost to your image, and a chance to share your voice on a bigger stage. So, what are you waiting for? Grab that laptop, and start typing. Your future self will thank you—and maybe throw a little book launch party in your honor. Download my free guide Write Publish Slay to learn how you can publish your own book that makes clients fall in love with you (even if you’re not a writer or you hate writing). Just visit to grab yours today!
