
From “Why Me?” to “Why Not Me?” in Building Your Digital Course Business After 40

Are you a woman over 40, pondering the meaning of your life and wondering, “Why me?” when it comes to creating a life you truly love and building a digital course business? It’s time to shift that mindset from self-doubt to empowerment, from “Why me?” to “Why not me?”

In the age of social media, it’s easy to fall into the trap of ‘comparisonitis’, especially when scrolling past the seemingly perfect lives of others. You might find yourself feeling not worthy, not good enough, not smart enough, or not educated enough. But it’s super important to recognize that everyone’s journey is unique, and success comes in various forms and timelines. And… you actually have no idea what those other women’s lives are really like behind the scenes.

So, my sweet, uber-talented friend, instead of asking, “Why me?” start asking, “Why not me?” You possess a wealth of knowledge, skills, and expertise that are uniquely yours. Yes, YOU.

Your life experiences, triumphs, and even setbacks have equipped you with a valuable perspective that others can benefit from. So, let’s silence the inner critic and focus on turning your aspirations into a thriving digital course business.

Tips to Overcome Comparisonitis and Embrace Your Potential:

  1. Define Your Unique Value:
    Identify what sets you apart. Your journey, skills, and insights are distinctively yours. Embrace them and recognize the value they bring to the table.
  2. Celebrate Small Wins:
    Break down your goals into manageable steps and celebrate each achievement. Success is a journey, not a destination. Acknowledging your progress builds confidence and dispels self-doubt.
  3. Curate a Supportive Community:
    Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire. Share your journey, learn from others, and realize that success is not a solitary endeavor. (psst… come join the Self Made AF community, over here 👈 )
  4. Continuous Learning:
    Invest in your personal and professional growth. The journey is as much about learning and evolving as it is about reaching your destination. Stay curious and open to new possibilities. (not sure where to begin? I have some great Freebies over here 👈 )
  5. Authenticity Over Perfection:
    Social media often showcases polished highlights, not the raw and real journey. Embrace imperfections, be authentic, and connect with your audience on a genuine level.

Remember, age is not a limitation; it’s a testament to your resilience and wisdom. I recently saw this awesome Cindy Crawford quote where she said, “Aging is what happens if we’re lucky. It means that I am alive.” I love that! Don’t you? Now, translate that into achieving your goals too. 🙂

So, banish the “Why me?” mindset and confidently declare, “Why not me?” Your intentional life and successful digital course business are not only possible but well within reach. Embrace your power, and watch your dreams unfold with each intentional step forward.
